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A public performance of pieces by Dentdale Choir

Cowgill Carol Service 15th December

The choir enjoys taking part in the annual carol services in the dale, the one at St John's, Cowgill, being the first one this year. We will be supporting the congregational carols as well as performing four pieces on our own with a Christmas theme.

Event Date 15-12-2022 7:00 pm
Event End Date 15-12-2022 8:00 pm
Dent Carol Service 18th December

This will be the second of our enjoyable local carol services, supporting the congregational carols as well a singing four pieces on our own with a Christmas theme.

Event Date 18-12-2022 7:00 pm
Event End Date 18-12-2022 8:00 pm
Dent Village Carol singing

Jos has organised an informal Carol singing walking around Dent and probably ending in the pub and who knows, probably doing some more singing in there.

Event Date 20-12-2022 7:00 pm
Event End Date 20-12-2022 9:00 pm
Spring Concert

Welcome to our Spring Concert for 2023:



Event Date 29-04-2023 7:30 pm
Event End Date 29-04-2023 9:30 pm

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Carol Service in St Andrew's Church, Dent, 7pm

Event Date 17-12-2023 7:00 pm

Cowgill Carol Service at St John's Church, Cowgill, at 7pm.


Event Date 19-12-2023 7:00 pm

On Saturday April 27th in St Andrew’s Church, Dent, The Dentdale Choir is presenting an exciting new programme of Baroque masterpieces.  

Along with the iconic, uplifting and well-loved Gloria by Antonio Vivaldi, the choir is going back to 17th century England to our finest composer Henry Purcell.  Like Mozart, Purcell lived a prolific life, only to die in his mid 30s. In his short life, he too wrote a huge volume of high quality music. The Dentdale Choir has prepared a selection of his music, both sacred and profane, which will be interspersed with some of his finest instrumental music played by Julian Cann and his quartet with John Seymour at the harpsichord. 

The choir is led this year by Nicholas Hurndall Smith. 


In addition, we will hear our much loved local multi-instrumentalist Roger Bush on the organ, as well as an ensemble drawn from the choir. At last year's concert (led by the choir's then conductor, Jen Hartley) the ensemble sang three short madrigals. This time, now formally named "Folli Contorti" and led by non-choir member Caroline Page, they’ll sing a selection of ancient and modern pieces. 

We think that the whole concert is guaranteed to lift the spirits and stir emotions. 

The concert starts at 7.30pm.

Event Date 27-04-2024 7:30 pm